Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Old New Year's New Year's Resolutions

I can just cut and paste what I wrote last year.

I'm going to attempt to recover and rewrite the six books I had almost had finished writing that I lost in my computer crash last year.

Review at least one book and one article per month.

I'm going to finally apply to Princeton for that PhD.

I'm going to eat far more healthier than I did last year (didn't quite accomplish this one last year either).

And we're going to get back into the morning routine of exercising and doing devotions every morning. We only made it about a month into the year last time on this, but the time we did do this, it was great fun with the family that also had an enduring impact on the family from being in the presence of the Lord.

Here's to all your New Year's Resolutions being blessed and fruitful in the coming year. God bless.

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