Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Recipe for Making Real Christians

Since I posted the recipe for making false Christians, I wanted to post the recipe for making real ones. I had nine steps last time for making false Christians, and could have added many more, so you can imagine how big the recipe for making real ones might be. So get a pen and paper and make sure you write all of this down. Here we go:

1. Preach the gospel within the context of preaching the whole counsel of God from the Bible.

Did you get all that?


  1. I really liked the fake Christian post. But I absolutely LOVE this one! Nice work. :)

  2. Thanks Emily. I've really been enjoying reading your posts as well. God bless.

  3. "Preach the gospel within the context of preaching the whole counsel of God from the Bible."

    Simply too offensive.

    The mass unchurched (and even many churched folks) don't want the food from this recipe.
