Like Harris, I was raised in a dating culture and saw no issues with it until later. Unlike Harris, I still think courtship is biblical and dating is not. However, I don't think Harris' courtship model was ever really true courtship that incorporated parents in the mix as much as it should have. I always looked at his model as a more conservative form of dating.
In any case, however, I do think that the element brought out in this article is very real and very important to understand. We do what we do with our relationships to glorify God, not to get a better life or anything in life from it. One only need read the dispute literature in Scripture like Ecclesiastes or Job to know that doing something right does not neccesarily lead to getting a better anything in life, especially since it is through hardship and suffering and God withholding our desires from us often that is the means through which He is creating us/conforming us to the image of His Son.
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