Thursday, July 25, 2019

If God Is Love, Only the Christian God Is True

I think it's an important argument to point out that if, in fact, there is a God, and love is one of His attributes (or even if one wants to argue God is only love), that only the Christian God can be the One that actually exists.

First, let me say that we must only consider the religions that have historically claimed to be revelations from God from the beginning of humanity. Any Johnny-come-lately religions that want to counter my argument below with something new are self-admittedly to be rejected. This is because any God who is loving would not have left humanity without revelation of Himself and the truth in general for thousands of years. Such would be unloving, and we are discussing a God who is loving.

This means that the pool from which we have to choose is reduced to a bit of a puddle. We are left with pantheism/monism, where god is everything and a singularity (only existing in multiplicity as an illusion), panentheism, which, again, is monistic and god, which includes creation, is one and usually evolving (so its attributes are not eternal), polytheism, which is almost always pantheistic or monotheistic in its original state, where the multiplicity of gods are created at a point in time, but not eternally distinguished, the monotheism of Judaism and Islam, and the triune monotheism of Christianity.

Now, if God's love is an inherent attribute, then panentheism is immediately dismissed, as love would be a created thing that is produced in time. It isn't really something that is inherent to god at all, but a created thing that god was not at one time. It should also be said that if God's attributes are not eternal then neither is God, and if God is not eternal, He is not God.

The other views have even bigger problems. To say that one is loving implies an object. If love is an eternal attribute of God, then God must have an eternal object of His love, or merely saying that God is eternally loving is reducing love to nothing, as when there is nothing to love, one cannot be declared to be loving.

One cannot say that creation functions this way for God, as creation would either have to be God (as in panentheism) or be as eternal as God, but non-god. Since creation is not eternal in all of these religions (as either creation does not exist and is the one god, or it is created by god), it cannot be the eternal object of God's love.

Likewise, God merely seeing and knowing a creation that at one time was not but will come about is to argue that God's existence is contingent upon creation. If God is eternally loving as an inherent and eternal attribute, then creation must exist in the "future" of God in order for God to exist, but this is like saying that a chicken exists because he will lay the egg from which he himself will hatch. He must exist in order to lay the egg and the egg must exist in order for him to exist in order to lay it. This is nonsense. Hence, creation cannot function as the eternal object of God's love in any of these systems.

Since they all claim that God is eternally loving, they are all proven to be false. This includes Judaism and Islam.

The only religion left is that of Christianity, where the Father has an eternal object of love in the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Son has an eternal object of love in the Father and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit has an eternal object of His love in the Son and the Father.

Hence, of all of the religions that claim that love is an attribute of God, only one among the historic religions making the claim can be true. As strange as we find the Trinity, it ends up being the most logical option of all.

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