Wednesday, May 29, 2013

If Reformed Christianity Is Orthodoxy, Who Are All of these Other People?

For some quick definitions (in usual satirical mode):

Reformed Christianity: The progression of historic orthodox Christianity that is in submission to Christ through His external authority, the Bible interpreted through the historic Christian Church.

Liberalism: The secular progression of the religion of the Self that views the Self as the primary interpretive authority of reality (whether it admits or not).

Fundamentalism: Really conservative, and even legalistic, liberalism.

Evangelicalism: Moderately conservative liberalism.

Emerging Church: Full blown liberalism that views itself as more moderate than liberalism.

All of these incorporate some orthodoxy into them, but often have radically different definitions or are merely a hybrid between Christianity and the religion of the Self.


  1. Its amazing the word orthodoxy (right-worship) is even still in use. Since Christianity is more a religion of dogmas than worship, shouldn't the word be orthodogmaty, or maybe orthopisteuty (right-faith)? It shows how Christianity has change over the centuries. At first it was about right-worship, i.e. the right worship being to worship Jesus. Now it is about right-dogma. But shouldn't religion be about right-morality?

  2. Right worship is bound up with worshiping the right God through the right Christ through the right gospel. It's nonsense to speak of right worship without speaking of right theology. And the word is doxa, which refers to common belief (from the word dokein, not doxe, what one would expect to hear in an apostolic church), not doxe, which means "praise," or "glory." But one glorifies the true God through the Person and work of His true Christ. That's all doctrinal, which is why the early Christians did not divorce right belief, or right morality, from right worship. So either way, you're at a loss there in your understanding of those issues.
