Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Mars Hill, Duggars, Purity Culture, and the Hatred toward Biblical Patriarchy and Christian Ethics

 Just to be really clear from the start, I was never a fan of Gothardism, Mars Hill, or the evangelical version of Purity Culture. Gothardism is a cult that sets up all sorts of legalistic rules based on speculative theories, Mark Driscoll was too young and unqualified to have been in ministry (something I said long before he fell out of the graces of Big Eva), and the evangelical version of Purity Culture was simply the health and wealth gospel applied to sexuality (e.g., if you remain a virgin, your marriage will be great because God will give you a great spouse and a great sex life). 

But let's be really clear. Fake Christians and the rest of those who have the mark of the beast written across their wicked domes are going after all of these because they hate the biblical theology and ethics that these groups try to implement within their bad theology, inexperienced ministries, and self-inflicted social scandals. 

The new trailer for the hit piece, Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets, is simply the newest attack upon the horrible biblical teachings like kids obeying parents, wife obeying husbands, parents educating their own children, teaching that boys and girls shouldn't be promiscuous, that Christians should try to influence government or spread Christianity throughout the world, etc. 

And what is the ammo against all of these biblical ideas? Well, of course, they're all bad because there are scandals like Mark Driscoll being a hot-headed jerk to people and using bad language, crazy cult behavior like spanking adults in a cult, and child porn addictions and pedophilia with that one kid belonging to the Duggars family.

In other words, the proof that all of that biblical stuff is bad is the fact that all of the unbiblical stuff that was produced by the world is bad. Did you catch that? Where in the Bible does it teach young men that they have sexual freedom to explore their own preferences even if they are anticreational? Where in the Bible does it teach that people should be their authentic selves and speak their truth in the way they desire and should not be restrained by patience and self control? Where in the Bible does it lift people up so high that they should use force if necessary in order to get others in line? Answer: It doesn't. This is all stuff the world teaches. 

And that's the gaslighting irony of all of this. It is the world that the Bible speaks against that teaches all of these things, so if anyone in these movements ever adopts any of these things in their ideology or practices, it is because of the world, not because of the Bible. So what we should really be hearing is tons and tons of documentaries about how the world is bad because it produces such horrific things even among people who are trying to counter it. That's how wicked the world is. That's how sinful the sinful nature that belongs to this world is. 

These documentaries exposing this horrible culture found in these movements remind me of children who get their classmates to steal an apple from the teacher's desk and then tell on them to the teacher in order to make themselves look like model students. Yet, the persuasion to steal the apple came from them. They're actually the culprits. It's quite evil. It wasn't evil enough to assume autonomy is what makes us human and then argue that everyone should have it in doing whatever they want. They had to go above and beyond by indoctrinating our culture with this absolutely antichrist ideology and then have the audacity to act like it came from implementing biblical principles of patriarchy, telling kids to obey their parents, telling wives to submit to their husbands, taking biblical commands to instruct children with the things of God and not in the godless secularism that cheers on the bad behavior of our sin natures, etc. 

If these documentaries wanted to be honest, they'd critique these worldly ideas when they are taught everywhere in the world, but they don't. Do pedophiles come from biblical cultures or are they far more numerous in unbiblical cultures? It's the latter, My Friends. Biblical culture fights against these evils but that's because it fights against the evils of the world that push the assumptions that underly these things. 

I have no problem critiquing movements for their unbiblical teachings but I am in no way going to sit back and say nothing when these fake authorities who know nothing about the Bible and Christianity tell us that Christianity is egalitarian and wouldn't have any issues sending their children to be brainwashed by the modern school system or remain private and not try to stop the Leftist agenda in government. PaaaaLeeeeaassee.

I have never seen such manipulation and slanderous attempts to win the culture wars via highschool mean girl powwows. Nice try but that only works on people who want to be in with the world and are ashamed of Jesus, not on real Christians.


  1. I believe the hatred towards patriarchy is honest and the source of this opposition is derived from the reality that men have no authority in cohabitation.
    Did the acceptance of same sex marriage and transsexualism come from marriage or cohabitation? I can only break this down once you are ready to question the validity of marriage.
    Let me know! If not, you are one of my favorite teachers!

    1. Right. Cohabitation is an egalitarian stance. That's the problem with our culture is that it was egalitarian from the Enlightenment forward. It just took a while for it to trickle down to our marriage relationships. Marriage still exists where the suzerain-vassal understanding of patriarchy exists. Egalitarian marriages are cohabitation and not biblical or historically marriages. The acceptance of same sex marriage and transsexualism stem from egalitarianism. which created feminism, the perceived need for birth control and abortion, and the acceptance of all sorts of abberations. But marriage that is in the framework of the suzerain-vassal is as valid today as any day. So if you are arguing that most modern marriages aren't marriages because they can't be within an egalitarian system, I would agree with that. There are, however, in a ton of cases, those who espouse egalitarian ideals but practically have patriarchal marriages.
