Saturday, December 10, 2022

Why Disney's LGBTQIA+ Entertainment Agenda Is a Good Thing

A bad argument made in defense of your opponent's position is sometimes more devastating to his position than a good argument made against it. 

Disney, as it seems many other corporations like Amazon, Hulu, etc., has vowed to push the LGBTQIA+ agenda in every movie and tv show it possibly can. They actually have a category added to the Disney+ app that explicitly displays these movies and tv shows for your two or three year old to see and click on. All of this, of course, to convince kids that a man who acts and dresses like a woman or two men who want to marry one another and end their biological lines by their anticreational sexuality are just as natural and to be applauded as a man and a woman who can actually create human life when they come together. They plan to entertain your children into assimilation into the woke Borg. The problem? They seem to have forgotten the entertainment part.

Everyone is complaining yet again about the newest Disney sequel for being focused on their woke agenda rather than presenting good stories. We've seen the destruction of our childhood fantasies such as those found in Star Wars, Marvel, Pixar movies, and now Willow. Willow was always a fun movie. I loved it as a kid. It had everything a kid loved: knights, swords, magic, saving princesses, and an exciting adventure with a group of newfound friends through a mysterious make-believe fantasy world. I watched it over and over again and would watch it again today if I had time to do so. 

I couldn't get through five minutes of the new show without fast-forwarding and by about 12 minutes in, I had to shut it off. Why? Because I can't stand wokism? Nope. I don't like wokism but I simply ignored it when it came to Andor, the only Star Wars TV show after The Mandalorian I actually thought was good. I couldn't get through Willow because of one big word that describes it: BORING. It was awful. I mean it was so bad I literally found myself turning it off and immediately going to Youtube to hear what the critics say about it because I just knew that this would be plenty of fodder for incendiary commentary. 

And it is. People hate it. Why? Because people hate homosexual and transgender people? Nope. Because people hate being bored. You see, Disney makes these movies not for the older generation but for the TikTok generation they're grooming to replace the older generation. But therein lies the problem. Disney is spitting out boring movies and TV shows for a generation of people who are the most difficult to actually entertain, and therefore, impossible to convince through their current plan to go bankrupt by bombarding people with woke media after woke media. Someone needs to tell Disney that they might want to put some adventure in their, ya know, adventures.

Movies like the Disney's new Pixar scifi, Strange World, or the newer Marvel phase tv shows and movies, the latest Star Wars movies and shows, Willow, etc. are not interesting. You actually have to entertain this generation if you want to brainwash them properly and Disney has failed to do that. In fact, it's having the reverse effect. People now know that Disney, Amazon, the news media, etc. are trying to brainwash them. Good propaganda parades itself as entertainment in disguise but this is essentially like someone telling Superman that all he had to do was to put on some glasses and no one would recognize him. Newsflash to the Left: Your underoos are showing.

In other words, Disney and their woke ilk are doing nothing but exposing themselves as a cult and a really, really dumb one at that. You're the invisible man trying to sneak into a bank with paint all over him. It doesn't even take a conservative religious sense to notice it. Atheists can see it. That's how stupid this cult is. Its main members should be atheists since it shares the same malleable morality and it can't even fool them. In fact, it's ticking them off and making them less receptive and far more critical of the message passed down from his holiness Saint Karl.

So, I say, Thank you, Disney. Thank you, Amazon. Thank you, CNN. Thank you for being so stupid in shoveling out your evil plan like manure on a dinner plate. LGBTQIA+ people should actually be mad at you rather than celebrating you. They should actually see you as their greatest enemies. You are not rolling out their agenda. You are ensuring that people like me who want to instill a biblical creational ethic of sexuality in our children can roll out ours. So, thank you for working with us by destroying your platform because by doing so you are simultaneously building ours.

You want to drown out our voices with your make-believe worlds? I guess you should have tried harder at storytelling. Keep making bad arguments instead. They give opportunities that allow our good arguments to be heard.

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