Sunday, October 9, 2022

Where Women Are Kings

 I don't know about you but when I was a boy, I would go up to the top of my patio roof and jump off, believing I would maybe get the powers of Superman and fly. Surprisingly, I never broke a bone. Not so surprisingly, I never flew either. That's because when you are a child, you have a hard time distinguishing reality from imagination. It's largely because your view of reality is not matured in a comprehensive manner. You actually think it might be possible to step off the roof and fly. You actually think it might be possible to call an object with the force like Luke calls for his lightsaber in Star Wars. That's because you're a child and have not learned enough yet to know that these things are a fiction created for the purpose of entertainment and escape from reality, but they are not reality themselves.

You see, in our stories, people can actually fly, they can lift buses with one hand, they can be shot with five arrows through their chests and continue on like nothing happened, and women can beat up men. That's because you make up anything for a story. You can even twist details so that incredibly evil people are heroes, but why would you?

In the new movie The Woman King, we are told that the Dahomey tribe had a female warrior unit called the Agojie. They were brave, valiant, noble people who would fight the white man who was trying to enslave black people. It's so inspiring and makes you want to hate those evil white people even more than you already do. The problem, as many of you know already, is that this is a complete fiction. In fact, not only is it a lie, it is the opposite of the truth. 

You see, the Dahomey tribe was one of the most violent and disgusting tribes on the planet. They went into other African tribes, brutally murdered or sacrificed (yes, the practiced human sacrifice) anyone they couldn't sell as a slave, and then sold everyone else into slavery. In other words, they were the bad guys. The white people that they fought were the French who had gone into Africa to end the slave trade. Yes, the bad white people were sacrificing, not other black people like the Dahomey, but themselves in order to end the evil slave-trade that the Dahomey were trying to perpetuate. 

So why was this history taken and twisted to tell us, and especially everyone who isn't going to bother to pick up a history book, that "white men bad, intersectional people good/"? Well, I think you already know that answer to that, as it's pretty much in the question. 

You see, reality doesn't support the fictional narrative that has been constructed by modern Neo-Marxists (e.g.., people who see through the lens of oppressed and oppressor) because all sorts of people are evil and all sorts of people are moved to do good. That means that all sorts of white people are evil and moved to do good and all sorts of black people are evil and moved to do good. No one is bad because they are a particular color and no one is moved to good because they are a particular color. That's obvious to those of us who have acquired a mature and comprehensive view of reality but the children apparently are still jumping off of the building even when told that flying humans are not a thing. Nor are women who should be warriors. The French wiped them out in a couple hours of fighting where most warfare takes days, months and years to come to a resolution.

Imagine what good it would have done to show the actual history here. It would have demonstrated the point to a young generation that has been brainwashed to believe that they should hate people because of the color of their skin that people cannot be put into categories of good and evil based upon external features. It's hard to hate people that gave their lives to save you and love people who brutally murdered, raped, sacrificed, and enslaved you but in the movies all things are possible. And all things are, but why do it?

The simple answer should bring a chill down our spines. Because this movie is all the evidence we need to make the case that there are a large amount of influential people in our culture who are actively working toward genocide. When you cannot even acknowledge that the people who did evil to you are evil but must present them as heroes and you cannot even see the people who did good to you as worthy of your honorable remembrance, you have set your mind to destroy them. 

I wish the fiction here was merely telling us of superhumans and 120 pound women who can beat up 300 pound men but it isn't. This is genocidal propaganda. To be sure, like all genocidal propaganda, it does not always have an immediate effect. Instead, it works off of already existing fears and animosity that exists in the culture. It functions off of the idea that there are oppressors and there is no redeemable characteristic in them. They are just people who need to be resisted and destroyed. The oppressed, of course, are always in the right. They are always the good guys even when they are the bad guys because the oppressors are always the bad guys even when they are the good guys.

That doesn't mean that there weren't white bad guys and black good guys within the battles over the Transatlantic slave trade. There were and that is the point. It had nothing to do with the color of one's skin. There are bad guys and good guys on both sides because that is the way reality works. Only the stories of children make a fiction of that reality.

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