Here is a list of some terms that others and myself have coined for alternative ways of interpreting Scripture that don't include exegesis. Of course, the most common term used is eisegesis, where one imports something into the text that isn't there but there are many more colorful ways one can interpret the text to consider.
Myopiagesis - when one can only seem to see the verse and not the immediate, literary or canonical context of the verse in front of him. Also can be applied to those without any skill or insight that would lead to seeing the verse in its larger context.
Narcigesis - when one sees himself in the heroes of Scripture and makes all Scripture, rather than about the glory of God through Jesus Christ, about himself.
Assumegesis - when one assumes that he already knows what Scripture teaches about a topic or what a Bible passage already means without consideration of context or further study.
Likegesis - when one picks the interpretation that sounds right to him. In this method of interpretation, the interpretation that resonates most with his traditions and thinking must be the right one, since God would not say anything that he finds to be unpalatable or runs contrary to his desired self-image or lifestyle.
Ignoregesis - when one ignores all arguments of his interpretations to the contrary. Also could be referred to as "blindanddeafegesis."
Note: The popularity of these methods display the reason why the plurality of scriptural interpretations in the modern church by their mere existence do not support the claim of their validity.
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