Social Justice
Biblical Justice
Inclusivity of All Races
Inclusivity of All Races
Indiscriminate Inclusivity of All Genders
Inclusivity of All Genders in Salvation, Exclusivity in Gender Roles
Inclusivity of All Religions
Exclusivity of Orthodox Christianity
Inclusivity of All Forms of Sexuality
Exclusivity of Ordered Sexuality between One Male and One Female
Justice Is Equality: Giving Everyone the Same Opportunities Regardless
of Their Labor or What Has Been Given by God
Justice Is Giving Everyone What They Have Earned or Been Given by God
Justice Is Equity: Giving Everyone the Same Privilege and Lifestyle as
Everyone Else Regardless of What Has Been Earned or Given by God
Justice Is Giving Everyone Exactly What They Have Earned or Been Given by God
Acceptance Is Based on the Valuable Nature of General Humanity
Acceptance Is Based on the Valuable Nature of Jesus Christ and His
Work, which Excludes All Outside of Christ
Mercy Is Unneeded Since Justice Already Includes It
Mercy Is Needed Since Justice Excludes All Because of Their Sin, and
Only Includes Those Who Are in Christ
Justice Demands That What Is Given Brings about Equality and Equity,
Which Decides the Amount of What Is Given/Sacrificed
Mercy Is Giving to Someone What They Have Not Justly Acquired for
Themselves, and the Amount of What Is Given/Sacrificed Is Decided by the One
Who Has Mercy
Social Justice and Biblical Justice are not the same thing. Hence, when the
Bible talks about doing justice and being just, it is not supporting modern
theories of social justice, which is simply a distorted idea of justice that is
assumed by the Enlightenment religion inclusivism and its egalitarian ethics. Biblical Justice allows for mercy, but mercy is the free gift of the giver and not a demanded measure dictated by an egalitarian view of justice.
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