Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Inclusive Love and the Excommunicated Member

Simple question: If love demands that we invite our enemies over to dinner because we are to love EVERYONE, are we being commanded by Christ and Paul to not be loving to the excommunicated member when we are told to treat them as a tax collector and pagan and to not even associate or eat with such a one? Is Jesus contradicting Himself? Does the command to love your enemies include them or not? If it does, then Jesus contradicts Himself, and certainly Paul contradicts Him even though he seems to be interpreting Him in 1 Corinthians 5. If it doesn't, then one must admit that the command is not telling us to love everyone. Which is it?

And when Paul tells Timothy to not give to unfaithful widows, but only to those who have served the church and have an evidence of their faith in good works, is he being unloving and telling Timothy to disobey Jesus? Or maybe are we reading the command to love your enemies out of context?

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