Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Biology Determines Reality

Our culture is such an odd egalitarian experiment, a failed one at that, where our Gnosticism runs so deep we ignore our biology. We're just spirits in shells, so gender is not who we truly are. We're ungendered souls trapped in our gendered bodies. True freedom, i.e., salvation/redemption, stems from escaping the strictures of our physical prisons by bending them to a genderless existence. We do that in our culture with technology. "More machine than man" (or woman), as Ben Kenobi said of Darth Vader. Technology hides our biology by circumventing the limitations or natural functions of that biology. Don't want to rely on your own biological strength to hunt or defend yourself? Here's a shotgun. Don't want to give birth to a child after having sex? Here's some birth control. Want to be able to feed a baby but you're a man? Here's some formula.

What this means, however, is that technology, not biology, defines our roles in the modern world. It's perfect for a Gnostic, who believes he or she is only a spirit needing to be freed from the restraints of the biologically gendered body. The problem is that we're tied to our bodies far more closely than our Gnostic cult wants to admit. Don't believe me? Go hit your head, suffer brain damage, and see how you become a different person. If you were only a spirit in a body, why is the personality of your "spirit" so different now? 

And the problem with being a physical human being that has been ensouled is that when one attempts to disconnect his or her purpose from who he or she is biologically speaking, the person enters into a dichotomy of self, where who a person is in terms of his or her gender is at war with who he or she sees him or herself to be in their technologically-modified self. 

Now, don't get me wrong. Technology can aid one to fulfill his or her biologically-gendered purpose all the more; but too many times, in our western, Gnostic cult, it is used to bypass gender and to seek a role that was meant to fulfill the purpose of the opposite gender. 

In this regard, one must conclude that any kind of egalitarian/feminist thinking that seeks to ignore the role created by one's biology is simply delusional. In other words, egalitarian/feminist strands of thought that incorporate this type of thinking are a denial of reality, and those who seek to live in denial of reality, by definition, have a mental illness.

What I see when I see some sort of "intellectual" panel of people who assume this worldview, and all of the wonderful ethics that bolster the family unit as the foundation of human society as a whole (sarcasm intended), is a bunch of lunatics who have taken over the asylum. 

The lunatics may think it's funny that they're upsetting the applecart of the stuffy, outdated patriarchy, but in reality, they're kamikazeing their own culture, and ironically, the very freedom to sit in an ivory tower and discuss ridiculous ideas as if they were reality. Asylums run by the delusional can only last so long. It may be fun to highjack the culture in the short run, but to reject one's true biological purpose leads to emptiness after the initial thrill of the joyride. 

Feminists, and our culture of women who have been influenced by this thinking, are actually very depressed people. They try to blow this off by saying it has to do with their realization that women are underrepresented in history and cultural development, but this is hardly why the average woman who has been influenced by feminist/Gnostic thought is depressed. She has been convinced that if she is to truly do something in life, she must be saved from her biological role, only to find that she has damned her biology to a hellish futility, as even a robot can fulfill her role as a genderless worker drone that regurgitates the ideas and thoughts of its culture. 

What it can't do is naturally give birth to a human life, nurture that life with its body, be a mother, be a wife, be the pillar of human society. The delusion may have tempting fruit, but it only brings chaos and death to its consumers and to those around them. If the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, the hand that refuses to rock it loses the world in this Faustian bargain.

The fruit that brings life is the biblical view of a human that accepts the roles that naturally stem from our biology. This is to function as an image of God, and its purpose, to bring about covenant human life to the glory of God produces a fulfillment, a wholeness, to the human being, and begets life and order into the self, into the family, into the world. Biology determines reality because God determines reality through biology. To deny this is to deny God and one's very self to the very ruin of the world.


  1. I was saying the other day to someone that true, absolute 'equality' won't be reached until we can make babies in factories, as in Brave New World. That pesky maternity period still gets in the way, no matter what you alter around it. It's not hard to see the tyranny this would lead to... I'm not sure if you're familiar with Dostoevsky's novel Demons? Appropriate quote:

    "My conclusion" he [Shigalyov] says, "stands in direct contradiction to the idea from which I started. Proceeding from unlimited freedom, I end with unlimited despotism."

    And how very sad (I know I'm saying something like this a lot recently!) that even conservative churches have barely thought about how such matters re-engineer the church's interior society in drastic ways. Kathryn and I are pushed to find a church of any sort that has a community of younger and older women around during the day for mutual support. We have found one, but it will involve moving to be part of that.

    The Blade Runner film(s) are a pretty good example of the Gnosticism... i.e. the corporation head is pretty clearly the demiurge, the artificial humans he's made rebelling against him for their freedom, technology both landing them in their predicament, and yet also offering transhuman salvation. Such Gnosticism is at the root of freemasonry... you may well know this, but for the masons, the serpent was actually Jesus, offering mankind the secret knowledge needed to work against the demiurge.

    Just throwing out some connections there...

  2. Good thoughts, Ben. I've never watched the Blade Runner movies, but I probably will now to see the argument development.

    1. I haven't seen the sequel yet. The first one is incredibly striking and powerful, but also somewhat disturbing, so you may want to look into the content before viewing.

      Dame Francis Yate's scholarly work on the occult influences on the roots of modern science tie into this - 'The Rosicrucian Enlightenment,' and 'The Occult Philosophy of the Elizabethan Age' are worth a read. Turns out Francis Bacon and Isaac Newton had an extensive interest in alchemy and so on. I can't remember if Yates mentions this, but the androgynous ideal was always part of alchemical thought, the overcoming of natural boundaries according to man's will... which sounds a lot like our current usage of science and technology!
