We are met with a series of verses that use the word
engus which supposedly conveys the idea that the time of Christ’s coming or the
end is “near.”
For instance, James states, “You also be patient and strengthen your hearts, for the Lord’s parousia is near” (5:8). James encourages them to wait on the judgment of the parousia that has already become accessible to them.
Also 1 Peter 4:7
states, “the end of all things is near.”
There are, of course, numerous issues concerning, not only what the word engus means, but what nuance of the word
telos is being coveyed.
Again, the texts that state, "the kingdom of God is near," or the "time is near" are all understood by Preterists to mean that the kingdom of God, the time, the end, the Lord's judgment of His parousia, etc. is approaching, but has not yet arrived at the time these things were written down by the apostles.
By “near,” the English reader thinks of the idea as
something that is almost here. It’s on its way, but not quite here yet. This is
a great example of why English glosses are not sufficient to convey the
concepts of words from a foreign language. The receptor language may carry
nuances in it that are not carried by the original language that the translator
is attempting to bring over into his target language. In other words, when an
English person thinks of the word “near,” he thinks of the two nuances the
English word has and then assigns them to the Greek word engus.
Hence, the word near can convey something that is in
one’s presence, in a spatial sense, or something that is close to arriving, but
not currently in one’s presence. The same can be said of the temporal idea of
“near.” In other words, if something is “near,” it is either in your present
time frame or it is about to be in your present time frame, but is not
currently in your present time frame. This thinking, however, is completely
fallacious. The word engus doesn’t
have a nuance that indicates something is “almost but not currently in one’s
Instead, the word simply conveys the opposite of something remote,
something distant, something not currently in one’s presence or present. Likewise,
its verbal form engizo, specifically
in its perfect form, refers to something that has already come and is in one’s
In fact, both James and 1 Peter, cited above, are in
the perfect aspect, which conveys the stative idea that the Lord’s presence and
the telos “maturity/end
goal/completion” of the ages has come already and exists at the time of the
author’s writing.
The specific parousia
“presence” of the Lord in James refers to the eschatological judgment of
Christ that is present in a small part now, and is ready to render judgment (I’ll
discuss this use of the parousia in
another post). In fact, we are told that the judge is not on his way, but
instead the judge stands (perfect aspect) at the gates. The gates were the
place of judgment, which means that the Lord is already in the place of
judgment and the verdict of his eschatological parousia is something that Christians will experience in their lives,
and something that to which they will have access, not just in a distant
future, but now, since it has already arrived.
Likewise, in 1 Peter 4:7, the statement that “the
end/culmination of all things is near”
is not a statement that the culmination/maturation/end goal is about to come,
but that it has come already. Peter presents the “end” as the current state of
all things as he is writing, not as something that is on its way, but has not
yet occurred.
Luke 21:31 is an interesting verse,
as it indicates that the meaning is not “almost here.” “When you see all these things happen, know
that the kingdom of God is engus.”
Now, if the word means “almost here,” rather than “here,” then that creates
quite a problem, since the phrase, “all these things” includes the Son of Man
arriving in the clouds of heaven, which would mean that redemption is not
almost here, but it has, in fact, arrived. Likewise, in v. 20, the surrounded
Jerusalem indicates that the city’s abandonment by God has come (again, perfect
The verbal idea, however, is more fluid in that one
could take it to mean that something is in the process of drawing near, mainly when appearing in the present aspect, but it
would be unlikely that the perfect form would be the best choice to convey this
The noun engus
is much more concrete. It conveys something that is in one’s presence,
spatially or temporally. It conveys the idea that something is here more than
it conveys the English concept of something that is near, but not here. Hence,
a better translation might be “here,” “accessible,” “within one’s reach,” etc.
The common translation “at hand” would have sufficed if it did not now take
upon itself different connotations within certain circles that interpret the
phrase “at hand” to refer to something that is almost here, rather than
something that is here. This has led to the misunderstanding of a series of
verses. For instance, Matthew 24:32 states:
“Now learn a parable of the fig
tree; When its branch is yet tender, and it puts forth leaves, you know that
summer is near.”
One would think this verse
confirmed the idea that summer is almost here but not quite yet due to the
fig tree blossoming in Spring. However, what it fails to note is that there
is no Spring in ancient Israel. Ancient Israel only had two seasons, winter
and summer. There were many festivals, harvests, rains, etc. that also
tracked time, but only two actual seasons. Hence, the fig tree does not
blossom in Winter, but in Summer. When you see it blossom, it tells you that
Summer is here. It has arrived
already. It is not on its way, but has come.
The point of the analogy conveys
the same idea, “So also you, when you see all these things, know that he is near,
right at the door” (Matt 24:33). He is not in His place. He is
not on the road on the way to the house, He has arrived. He is at the door.
He is here.
Hence, when Paul says, “the word
is near you” (Rom 10:8), he means
that it is there in their presence at that time, and therefore, accessible
now, not something that is on its way, but not yet in their presence. It is
not at a distance anymore. It has arrived in their proximity. They can access
it right then and there. Hence, he follows up by clarifying where this word
that is “near” is actually located, i.e., “it is in your mouth and in your
Philippians 4:5 encourages
Christians to be gentle, as they are mindful of the presence of the Lord,
since “the Lord is near.”
Ephesians 2:13 says, “But now in Christ Jesus you who used to be far away have been
brought near by the blood of Christ.”
All of the benefits of the kingdom have been made accessible to
the believer through the blood of Christ. They are his to access “now.”
In Matthew (e.g., 3:2; 4:17; 10:7),
the preaching of the gospel is framed in the message, “Repent, for the
kingdom of Heaven is engus.” It is
clear that the kingdom of Heaven has been made accessible to them right then
and there through the very preaching. It is in their presence and accessible
to them, not something that is almost there and not yet in their presence so
as to be accessible.
The grammar of engus in Luke 10:9 indicates that the
message of the gospel was that “the kingdom of God has come upon you” (BDAG 270 s.v. ἐγγίζω 2;
W. R. Hutton, “The Kingdom of God Has Come,” ExpTim 64
[Dec 1952]: 89-91; and D. L. Bock, Luke [BECNT], 2:1000). It has been made
accessible to you is the idea.
In fact, Luke 17:20-37 states that
“the kingdom of God is in your midst.” It was present with them then and
Christ also indicates that the
disciples will long to see the day of His coming (i.e., the macro-event) and
will not see it. So if the kingdom of God is something that is still to come
from the standpoint of the apostles who are proclaiming that it is near, then
this poses quite the conundrum, since it is said to be in their midst and yet
it is something that is not yet in their midst. This problem is removed when
we understand the word properly. Instead, the kingdom of God has come
already. It is there, in their midst. Everything else is an indication that
it is here and has already come (Matt 12:28; Luke 21:31).
Mark makes this more explicit by stating the
proclamation as “the time has been fulfilled and the kingdom of God is here (engus). Repent and believe” (1:15).
In Matthew 12:28, Jesus argues that “if I cast out
demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has already come upon you.”
Hence, as Paul indicates to the Corinthians, the end
of the ages “have come” (perfect aspect, 1 Cor 10:11). It is not on its way in
twenty some odd years. It has already come by the time Paul writes to the
Corinthians, as he presents it as the state in which they live. The kingdom of
God is here, “in your midst.” The end/the maturity of the age to come/the goal
of the ages is among us, here, at hand, where one can reach out and grab it
because it is not “on its way shortly,” but rather has arrived and is standing
in one’s presence. The time is here. The judge is in the gates ready to render
a verdict. He walks among the lampstands, His churches. He is at the door. He
is here. That’s what engus, and in
most cases engizo, actually mean. Engus doesn’t carry the English nuance “almost
but not yet in one’s presence” in the New Testament. Yet, it is that English
nuance upon which the Preterist argument is dependant.
In truth, all of these verses, then, do not convey
that the end, the kingdom of God, the parousia
of Jesus, etc. “is nearing, but not yet arrived,” but rather that the end,
the eschatological presence of the Lord, the kingdom of God, etc. is here. It has come. It is standing in the
midst of them . It has arrived and is present with the apostles BEFORE AD 70. And
this is a strong argument for the already-not yet sense of the NT, where the
end is broken up between the spiritual fulfillment of the end taking place from
the first coming of Christ to the physical fulfillment taking place at the
Second Coming. It is accessible now, so that Christians (before and after A.D.
70) do not need to wait until the end of this world to receive its power,
blessings, and judgments. Hence, there is a sense in which the coming kingdom
is already here, and words like engus
describe that present reality, even in the pre-A.D. 70 period.
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