Monday, November 11, 2013

Ignorance Is Bliss

"The Christian community continues to exist because the conclusions of the critical study of the Bible are largely withheld from them." --Hans Conzelmann

"The community of scholars who employ a critical study of the Bible in an effort to undermine its authority still exists because the critical study of the critical study of the Bible is largely withheld from them." --Bryan Hodge


  1. I'm sure there are some scholars who study the bible with their main motivation to be to undermine it's authority, just as there are those who study the bible motivated purely by the intent to uphold it's authority.

    I don't think it's fair to claim that the entire community of biblical scholars has such motivations however - it seems to me that many seek to understand the bible, rather than simply to undermine or support it's "authority"

  2. You don't think it's fair because you're as clueless as to the real issues as they are, as I've shown here already. The fact that you think this post is about "intent" speaks volumes to what you don't understand. This has nothing to do with "intent," and everything to do with epistemic ignorance.

    1. My apologies for misunderstanding.

      If you assume that the bible is authoritative, and deny yourself any means in which to investigate or know whether that claim is true or false, claiming it as axiomatic, then I suppose you have little choice but to see such attempts as due to epistemic ignorance.

      I'd put it down to a case of epistemic difference rather than ignorance :-)

    2. "If you assume that the bible is authoritative, and deny yourself any means in which to investigate or know whether that claim is true or false, claiming it as axiomatic, then I suppose you have little choice but to see such attempts as due to epistemic ignorance."

      If you assume that the the self is authoritative, and deny yourself any means in which to investigate or know whether that claim is true or false, claiming it as axiomatic, then I suppose you have little choice but to see such attempts as due to epistemic ignorance.

  3. Yes, but the difference is that one side thinks that they are objectively refuting the other, so I would put it down as epistemic ignorance.
